For #MakeoverMonday week 30 and this is my 50th Post, Eva shared the viz on paid maternity leave for various countries including the OECD. This viz shows the weeks of paid maternity leave and average payment rate across maternity leave.

Here is the original viz :

Original Visualization

Data is available on and source of data was OECD

Whats good?

  • Clear sub-titles with explanation what each chart represents
  • Sorted on number of paid weeks of maternity leave
  • Showing how much each country pays for Maternity leave in %

Here is what I did:

  • First thing I observed was that non-european countries has lower paid maternity weeks than european countries. Hence I filtered for non-european countries and remove all european countries
  • Create Ring chart to show the values on Paid maternity weeks of leave and simple one chart solution to display results.
  • Selected hue-circle color palette to show countries with different colors

Here is the Image of the visualisation I created (Click on image to get interactive version):

Click here for Tableau file

Thanks Eva Murray for this workout.

Happy Data Visualisation!!!!

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This week #workoutwednesday challenge was set up by Rody Zakovich, it was about creating a connected scatter plot on hover which allows user experience (UX) feature not available in natively available in product.


  • Dashboard size is 600 x 600
  • The Scatter Plot has Sales by Profit for each Category and Year
  • When a user hovers over any category, all years for the category will be connected by a line
  • The line connects the categories by year in ascending order

Data for the workout can be downloaded from here

Here is my output for the challenge (Click on Image for interactive version):

The Challenge seems to be simple but the actual challenge is to create the effect without affecting other categories i.e. they should still be visible and not disappear

Let me share the steps I performed to achieve this effect which I think is cool way to showcase scatter plot for user experience:

Step 1: Data Preparation

Since dataset has 3 categories, we will union the orders sheet twice with original data with required fields of Order_date, Category, sales and profit.

This union of dataset will help us to create the action filter in further steps.

Step 2: Calculated Fields

CalcProfit: we will use LOD function to create average of profit values on the basis of Category, Table Name, year of Order date) since we have duplicated the numbers average will help us get original values

CalcSales: we will use LOD function to create average of sales values on the basis of Category, Table Name, year of Order date) since we have duplicated the numbers average will help us get original values

SalesCategorywisesales: This field is to aggregate the data on each category using the Table name field

SalesCount: This field is conditional field to show the line chart in our next chart

CalcCategory: Final field of mapping each category to table name for Action Filter

Step 3: Create the visualisation

Replicate the below Visualisation with relevant fields into rows and column shelf then create the dual axis. Post this add required field into Marks shelf for both CalcSales and SalesCount field.


Step 4: Add Action Filter

Last but the most important step, create an dashboard and import the sheet into dashboard. Then select the Dashboard –> Action Filter

set the action on hover on the basis of CalcCategory to Table Name

Do few changes in format and tooltip

Now we are ready with visualization with user experience which we wanted to show.

Click here for Tableau file

Thanks Rody Zakovich for this workout.

Happy Data Visualisation!!!!

Thanks for visiting this post. Please do let me know your feedback or if you have any questions about the blog do not hesitate to contact me on twitter (@Desaimithun)

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For #MakeoverMonday week 29, Andy shared the viz from What’s the Cap? and it was designed by whatsthecapIt was about NBA Team salaries and Salary cap since 1985-86. 

Here is the original viz :

Screen Shot 2018-07-15 at 12.46.55 pm.png

Data is available on and source of data was Celtics Hub

Whats good?

  • Interactive tooltips to know the max, min and average salaries and actual salary cap
  • Clean time-series data with 3 distinct lines for highest, average and lowest payroll with bar chart to plot the salary cap which depicts the trend over last 32 seasons
  • Clear Y-axis labeling
  • Use of different colors for each line and bar with legend to distinguish each other

Here is what I did:

  • First of all I used the Andy’s Franchise mapping, since the teams have moved cities and changed their names over last 30 years.
  • I wanted to show all the teams which helps in comparisons and I finalized on bar chart.
  • Added indicator line for salary cap to see how many franchises adhere to salary cap and how many spent above salary cap
  • I wanted to compare franchises salary vs salary cap each season hence I introduced the filter for season
  • Added tooltip and text label to show the variance in Teams salary vs salary cap

Here is the Image of the visualisation I created (Click on image to get interactive version):

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This week #workoutwednesday challenge was set up by Luke Stanke, it was about scaling the data into same level using log axis. Whenever we want to analyse the spread of data we end up having skewed bars with one or two group are at higher levels while others are with tiny bars which makes it difficult to understand their behavior. Here, we will be scaling the axes with log to analyze the per-order profit across sub-categories.


  • Dashboard size is 500 x 700; tiled; 4 sheets
  • Use the superstore dataset. Focus on the Sub-category of the “Technology” category.
  • Show profit per order on the columns (x-axis).
  • Use a parameter to round the profit to the nearest $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, or $1000.
  • Show distinct count of orders on the rows (y-axis). Set your axis to run from 0 to 999.
  • Set the axis to be log.
  • Make sure to assign the highlight color to each sub-category.
  • Filter to orders with profits from -1500 through 1500.
  • Create bars and center them on the appropriate value. Set the width of the bar to the rounded value.
  • Add annotations so they only show when $100 is selected on the parameter.
  • Set the height of the Accessories, Copiers, and Office Supplies to 110 pixels. Set Phones to 160 pixels.
  • Match color, tooltips, and formatting. I’ll be paying attention to all parts.

Data for the workout can be downloaded from here

Here is my output for the challenge (Click on Image for interactive version):

Requirement were very clear and also given few hints (I had to go through them) to derive the end results. Here the steps by step process of creating this Visualisation.

Step 1: Create the parameter with values list from $25 to $1000 (total 6) and create the calculated field with parameter as shown in below image:

Step 2: Create calculated field called RoundProfit as we need to round the profit values based on parameter value:

Duplicate the sub-categories field 3 times and rename them to sub-categories_1, sub-categories_2 and sub-categories_3

Step 3: As per requirement lets add filter for ‘Technology’ as category and drag RoundProfit as put the range between -1500 to 1500

Step 4: Drag Roundprofit field to column area and set type as ‘Dimension’ from the drop down option, Order id field into rows and set measures as distinct count, add dummy field in rows as ‘Accessories’

Based on above requirement, lets convert the y-axis to logarithmic and set range from 0 to 999.

Now, drag Param field (set to dimension) into size to set the size of bars and sub-category field into color along with manual sorting which is very important for our dashboard.

once, we are through with this steps, final thing which we will do it to set stack marks off from Analysis-> Stacks Marks -> Off

Duplicate the sheet for other 3 sub-categories and replace sub-categories field by duplicate which we created and we are through with the sheet creation. After bit and pieces of formatting we are ready with output.

Thanks Luke Stanke for this workout.

Happy Data Visualisation!!!!

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For #MakeoverMonday week 28, this week it was time to work with Volcano eruption data. We have been hearing lot about disruptions caused by Volcano in last few years and this dataset was about all volcanoes with their geo spatial information and rock type.

Here is the original viz:

original visualization

Data is available on and source of data was Global Volcano Program

Whats good?

  • Color selected to highlight the active and inactive volcanos
  • Label given to known volcanoes which were in news in last few years.
  • Sorting by size showing the elevation height of volcanoes and its type

Here is what I did:

  • Plotted terrain map with the location of each volcanos and if user selects any volcano then details section to state the details along with the tooltip.
  • Added dot plot using shape with their rock types to know about various rock type found in volcanoes
  • splitted the years mentioned into 5 buckets to show how volcanoes eruptions have evolved in last few years

Here is the Image of the visualisation I created (Click on image to get interactive version):

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