For week 29, #MakeoverMonday we are visualizing the changing frequency of Americans. Original Article was published by @washingtonpost and data is sourced from General Social Survey. Here is the original chart:

Data is available on

Whats Good

  • Title and subtitle for the chart is precise
  • First and last year is highlighted in bold
  • Labels explaining what chart means

What I did:

  • Continued using original line chart as it was simple and crisp
  • Aggregated the frequency into 3 categories from the data
  • Allowed users to highlight Sex Frequency using parameter actions
  • Inspired from design used by Andy’s viz
  • Tooltip to show % response for all years
  • excluded 2012 data as it appeared to be wrong

Here is the gif of the visualisation I created (Click on image to get interactive version):

Click here for Tableau file

Thanks Eva Murray , Sarah Bartlett and Andy Kriebel for this workout.

Happy Data Visualisation!!!!

Thanks for visiting this post. Please do let me know your feedback or if you have any questions about the blog do not hesitate to contact me on twitter (@Desaimithun)

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For this week #MakeoverMonday week 28, we are looking at asylum applications in EU by people outside of EU.

The original viz was published by EASO based on data from Eurostat and it looked like below image:


Original Chart


Data is available on and source of data was EUROSTATS.


Whats good?


  • Interactive Map allowing to select countries and year
  • Tooltips providing informative insights
  • Bar charts to show gradual rise on applications
  • Dynamic texts on dashboard


Here is what I did:


  • Focused on applications received, rejections and positive decisions
  • Chose Donut chart to present data (tried block bar donut but due to lack of time used donut chart) based on country and year
  • Added dynamic text and color to explain the legends


Here is the Image of the visualisation I created (Click on image to get interactive version):




Click here for Tableau file

Thanks Eva Murray and Andy Kriebel for this workout.


Happy Data Visualisation!!!!

Thanks for visiting this post. Please do let me know your feedback or if you have any questions about the blog do not hesitate to contact me on twitter (@Desaimithun)

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This is my first post after a long time, was busy with migration to new country with finding new job, to find house and settling into routine. Here we are with Week 26 for #MakeoverMonday. Today’s viz is about Alcohol consumption per capita by Countries which was shared here.

Original Chart

Data is available on and source of data was World Atlas.

Whats good?

  • Clear Axis label on Y-Axis
  • Simple bar chart with one color
  • Clear Title of the chart

Here is what I did:

  • Filtered this to top 5 countries with highest Alcohol consumption
  • Used Image of bottle in the chart
  • Used Bar chart to show top 5 countries with label

Here is the Image of the visualisation I created (Click on image to get interactive version):

Click here for Tableau file

Thanks Eva Murray and Andy Kriebel for this workout.

Happy Data Visualisation!!!!

Thanks for visiting this post. Please do let me know your feedback or if you have any questions about the blog do not hesitate to contact me on twitter (@Desaimithun)

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For #MakeoverMonday week 32, The makeover viz was about how much countries spends on Research & Development and the original viz was shared on

Here is the original viz :

Original Image

Data is available on and source of data was UNESCO Institute for Statistics

Whats good?

  • Clear Legends on specifying what color in the circle means in terms of spends
  • Design is eye-catching with too much of information for an individual to understand
  • Source of data is mentioned
  • Title which is self explanatory about the viz

Here is what I did:

  • After trying various methods to visualize this data, I finalize one approach of showing Top 10 countries by spends
  • Additionally I wanted show trend on spends by this countries and also compare 2 years i.e. 2015 vs 2014 to show the increase in spends by countries on R&D (Exception was India as dataset didn’t have 2012 to 2014 data)
  • While building the viz and trying to figure out visualization I came across this viz from Rody Zakovich and tried to replicate the similar design.

Here is the Image of the visualisation I created (Click on image to get interactive version):

Click here for Tableau file

Thanks Eva Murray and Andy Kriebel for this workout.

Happy Data Visualisation!!!!

Thanks for visiting this post. Please do let me know your feedback or if you have any questions about the blog do not hesitate to contact me on twitter (@Desaimithun)

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For #MakeoverMonday week 31, this week’s makeover viz was about The Big Mac Index by The Economist. This index was based on “Big Mac Hamburger” price across various countries where it is sold to analyse the purchasing power parity.

Here is the original viz :

Data is available on and source of data was The Economist

Whats good?

  • Clear Legends showing price of Jul’17 and Jan’18 along with Price of Big Mac price in US Dollar
  • Zero reference line to see the difference and sorting the countries with latest prices
  • Sub-titles explaining the overvalued and undervalued with signs along with caveats

Here is what I did:

  • Rather then using price of last 2 years, I selected price of last 10 years starting Jul’2009 and used only July prices for all the years
  • Designed an jitter plot to show the plot the country wise price variation in comparison to US price
  • Interactive tooltip to show Big Mac price in various countries with there overvalued and undervalued against US dollar and highlight option to select a country for trend

Here is the Image of the visualisation I created (Click on image to get interactive version):

Click here for Tableau file

Thanks Eva Murray & Andy Kriebel for this workout.

Happy Data Visualisation!!!!

Thanks for visiting this post. Please do let me know your feedback or if you have any questions about the blog do not hesitate to contact me on twitter (@Desaimithun)

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