For this week #MakeoverMonday week 28, we are looking at asylum applications in EU by people outside of EU.
The original viz was published by EASO based on data from Eurostat and it looked like below image:

Data is available on and source of data was EUROSTATS.
Whats good?
- Interactive Map allowing to select countries and year
- Tooltips providing informative insights
- Bar charts to show gradual rise on applications
- Dynamic texts on dashboard
Here is what I did:
- Focused on applications received, rejections and positive decisions
- Chose Donut chart to present data (tried block bar donut but due to lack of time used donut chart) based on country and year
- Added dynamic text and color to explain the legends
Here is the Image of the visualisation I created (Click on image to get interactive version):

Thanks Eva Murray and Andy Kriebel for this workout.
Happy Data Visualisation!!!!
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