For this week #MakeoverMonday week 28, we are looking at asylum applications in EU by people outside of EU.

The original viz was published by EASO based on data from Eurostat and it looked like below image:


Original Chart


Data is available on and source of data was EUROSTATS.


Whats good?


  • Interactive Map allowing to select countries and year
  • Tooltips providing informative insights
  • Bar charts to show gradual rise on applications
  • Dynamic texts on dashboard


Here is what I did:


  • Focused on applications received, rejections and positive decisions
  • Chose Donut chart to present data (tried block bar donut but due to lack of time used donut chart) based on country and year
  • Added dynamic text and color to explain the legends


Here is the Image of the visualisation I created (Click on image to get interactive version):




Click here for Tableau file

Thanks Eva Murray and Andy Kriebel for this workout.


Happy Data Visualisation!!!!

Thanks for visiting this post. Please do let me know your feedback or if you have any questions about the blog do not hesitate to contact me on twitter (@Desaimithun)

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#WorkoutWednesday challenge this week was set by @rosariogaunag and it was about coloring between the lines. Here in this viz challenge, we are going to use Area charts to showcase different colors based the lines along with it has dynamic text + values on dashboard on hover. I like how it covers small things which improves the visualization and makes it tempting & simple for user to understand.


  • Dashboard size: 800 x 700.
  • Use per capita calculations.
  • You must be able to select data from a specific country or the world itself.
  • You must be able to select between Ecological FootPrint Production and Ecological FootPrint Consumption.
  • The green line should be biological capacity per capita.
  • The red line should be ecological footprint per capita.
  • If the Biological Capacity is greater than the Ecological Footprint, it means that we have a positive reserve and the area between the two lines must be shaded in green.
  • In the opposite case, it means that there is a deficit and the area between the two lines must be shaded in red.
  • When you move the cursor over the graph subtitles should update to the selected year.
  • When you move the cursor over the graph the subtitle of the difference between Capacity and Ecological Footprint should be green if there is a reserve (+) or red if there is a deficit (-) in the year.
  • Rebuild everything to look identical. Make sure you match titles, tooltips, etc.

Data for the workout can be downloaded from here

Here is my output for the challenge (Click on gif for interactive version):

Let me share the steps required to create this visualisation post data is imported into Tableau:

Step 1: Create Parameter to select the type of Ecological footprint “Select EF”

Step 2: Lets create all the necessary calculated fields which we will use in the visualisation

BioCap – This field to derive biological capacity values from the dataset

EcoFootPrint – This field to derive Ecological footprint based on parameter “Select EF”

For the display the color between the lines following calculated fields we need:

Green: To create an area where difference between Biological capacity and Ecological footprint is positive else 0 as value

Red: To create an area where different between Ecological footprint and Biological capacity is positive else 0 as value

White: To create an area where whichever is minimum of biological capacity or ecological footprint is selected as value

Diff: Difference between Biological capacity and Ecological capacity

Display: Label field to show Reserve or deficit based on “Diff” value

Color: Binary field to show different color for “Diff” Value

Step 3: Create First sheet “BioCap”

Drag “Biocap” and “Record” Field to Text area

Drag “country” field to filters then set it to apply for all worksheets using this source and show filters with single dropdown

Drag “Record” field to filters and select Biological capacity as filter

Format the Text based on requirement and arrange them as per following image

Step 4: Create “EcoFootPrint” Sheet

Drag “EcoFootPrint” and “Record” Field to Text area then you will country filter automatically appearing in filters

Drag “Record” field to filters, go to condition tab then select “By Formula” and enter “[Record]= [Select EF]”

Format the text based on requirement and arrange them as per following image:

Step 5: Create “Diff” Sheet

Drag “Diff” and “Display” field to Text and “Color” field to color in marks area then allocate Green color for True and Red for False value

Format the text based on requirement and arrange them as per following image:

Step 6: Create “LineGraph” Sheet

Drag “Year” into column shelf followed by drag “Measure values” into Rows shelf then filter the field by selecting “Red”, “Green” and “White”

Change the chart type to “Area” Chart

Drag “Measure Names” to color shelf and allocate respective color based on field name and we will see following output:

Now drag “Total” field to rows shelf and change the chart into dual axis then select “Line” chart from the Marks area

Drag “Record” field to color shelf and filter shelf then go conditions and apply following formula “Record]=”BiocapPerCap” OR
[Record]= [Select EF]”

Also, change the color for Biological capacity to Green and Ecological footprint to Red for both options of parameter

Step 7: Create “Subtitle” sheet

Drag “Country” and “Year” field to Text area and drag “color” field to color shelf and apply red and green value for true and false value respectively.

Step 8: Create the Dashboard 

Now time comes to create the magic, arrange all the sheets into dashboard and set the size of dashboard as 800 * 700 to look like this:

Then we need to do create action filter on hover, so select Dashboard –> Action –> add action -filter and set the filter on all sheet on the basis of Year

Now do the final aesthetic changes like formatting and tooltips to get the final output as per our requirement

we are ready with final visualization as show above.

Click here for Tableau file

Thanks Rosario Gauna for this workout.

Happy Data Visualisation!!!!

Thanks for visiting this post. Please do let me know your feedback or if you have any questions about the blog do not hesitate to contact me on twitter (@Desaimithun)

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For #MakeoverMonday week 32, The makeover viz was about how much countries spends on Research & Development and the original viz was shared on

Here is the original viz :

Original Image

Data is available on and source of data was UNESCO Institute for Statistics

Whats good?

  • Clear Legends on specifying what color in the circle means in terms of spends
  • Design is eye-catching with too much of information for an individual to understand
  • Source of data is mentioned
  • Title which is self explanatory about the viz

Here is what I did:

  • After trying various methods to visualize this data, I finalize one approach of showing Top 10 countries by spends
  • Additionally I wanted show trend on spends by this countries and also compare 2 years i.e. 2015 vs 2014 to show the increase in spends by countries on R&D (Exception was India as dataset didn’t have 2012 to 2014 data)
  • While building the viz and trying to figure out visualization I came across this viz from Rody Zakovich and tried to replicate the similar design.

Here is the Image of the visualisation I created (Click on image to get interactive version):

Click here for Tableau file

Thanks Eva Murray and Andy Kriebel for this workout.

Happy Data Visualisation!!!!

Thanks for visiting this post. Please do let me know your feedback or if you have any questions about the blog do not hesitate to contact me on twitter (@Desaimithun)

Do subscribe to to keep receive regular updates.

This month is community submission month where each week one of the community submission will be pick for challenge , this week #workoutwednesday challenge is set by Sean Miller and it was about dynamic sheets + dynamic color legends on selection of particular parameter from the dashboard. This dashboard has parameter which will show choropleth map with legends on one selection while bar chart on other selection without legend.


  • Dashboard size: 800 x 800. Total sheets are part of the challenge.
  • Allow users to select between sales and profit as the measure.
  • The map should have the corresponding measure on color.
  • When the map is active, the color legend and min/max values should show. When subcategory is active the legend and values show be hidden.
  • The color legend should be a stacked bar.
  • The title should update appropriately.

Data for the workout can be downloaded from here

Here is my output for the challenge (Click on Image for interactive version):

It took me time to understand the requirement and figure out the way to design the visualisation. lookup() & windows functions did help a lot to build this requirement

Let me share the steps required to create this visualisation post data is imported into Tableau:

Step 1: Create parameters for the visualisation

View by: For Measure selection

What do you want analyze? : To select State or Sub-category

Step 2: Create an calculated fields required for visualisation

ViewBy: To select the measures on parameter selection

selection: To select the sheet to show or hide on basis of “What do you want to analyze?”

State – Label: This is for max/ min legend

Step 3: Create different sheets for the requirements


Select State from dimension tab and ViewBy in measures then select Choropleth Map from show me to create the visualisation

Now drag selection field to filter –> select all values –> atmost 1

then right click on both the parameters and select show parameter control with this we have this screen:


Drag Viewby field in column shelf and sub-category to rows shelf then right click both parameters to show parameters control on the sheet. Now, Drag selection field into filter –> select all values –> atleast 2


Select State from dimension to column shelf then ViewBy field to color shelf. (unselect show headers)

Now drag selection field to filter –> select all values –> atmost 1


Select State-Label field and drag to text in the sheet and then set measure value as minimum

Now drag selection field to filter –> select all values –> atmost 1

Max: Repeat same steps like Min sheet just change the measure value to maximum

Step 4: Create the Dashboard

Drag the vertical objects to the blank dashboard then drag Map and Bar sheet to dashboard then align the other 3 sheets (Min, Legend and Max) on the top right side corner below the parameters

Now we are ready with final visualization.

Click here for Tableau file

Thanks Sean Miller for this workout.

Happy Data Visualisation!!!!

Thanks for visiting this post. Please do let me know your feedback or if you have any questions about the blog do not hesitate to contact me on twitter (@Desaimithun)

Do subscribe to to keep receive regular updates.

For #MakeoverMonday week 31, this week’s makeover viz was about The Big Mac Index by The Economist. This index was based on “Big Mac Hamburger” price across various countries where it is sold to analyse the purchasing power parity.

Here is the original viz :

Data is available on and source of data was The Economist

Whats good?

  • Clear Legends showing price of Jul’17 and Jan’18 along with Price of Big Mac price in US Dollar
  • Zero reference line to see the difference and sorting the countries with latest prices
  • Sub-titles explaining the overvalued and undervalued with signs along with caveats

Here is what I did:

  • Rather then using price of last 2 years, I selected price of last 10 years starting Jul’2009 and used only July prices for all the years
  • Designed an jitter plot to show the plot the country wise price variation in comparison to US price
  • Interactive tooltip to show Big Mac price in various countries with there overvalued and undervalued against US dollar and highlight option to select a country for trend

Here is the Image of the visualisation I created (Click on image to get interactive version):

Click here for Tableau file

Thanks Eva Murray & Andy Kriebel for this workout.

Happy Data Visualisation!!!!

Thanks for visiting this post. Please do let me know your feedback or if you have any questions about the blog do not hesitate to contact me on twitter (@Desaimithun)

Do subscribe to to keep receive regular updates.